I Had This Dream
Book Details
About the Book
We all have dreams when we are sleeping. Some we cannot remember; others we can. Some are humorous; some are sad. Some dreams can be frightening. I wonder though, how many of us have dreams that come true? This is a very difficult question to answer. Dulk travels down the road of dreams and finds out if his dreams come true, how they might affect his life and his beliefs, and how they might help him contribute to helping solve problems and difficulties of his friends as well has humankind and the world. Join Dulk on his adventures through dreamland. He will make you laugh and cry, hopefully, resetting on dreams that might have come true or have interesting outcomes. So keep dreaming!
About the Author
I was born in Derbyshire, England, and grew up in a coal mining community. After completing a secondary education, I trained to be a schoolteacher and became qualified at college in Nottingham, England. Throughout my career, I worked with children of all nationalities, initially in the United Kingdom and later, Hong Kong. I have a great interest in the teaching and learning of mathematics. My prize qualification in these areas of interest was being awarded a master of education degree at Exeter University in England. I have a lovely wife, Susan, and two beautiful daughters, Rebecca and Emileen. Each have two children. I am now retired and enjoy many interesting hobbies. I am battling with cancer but am determined not to let it get the better of me so I can live my life to the fullest with my wife and family. I can make this dream come true!