Mallard Lake

by Michael W. Burns



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/09/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781546209188

About the Book

Lucas Grundy tires of the larger world he’s lived in for over thirty years where he was so successful and has sought relief for a summer in the place he was born—the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Its sparse population, woods, wildlife, and lakes provide an escape, a peacefulness to think of what he wants to do with the rest of his life. To his surprise, he finds that the place offers him surcease from his complicated life, a place to live now in the contemplation he seeks. He moves to the edge of Mallard Lake, a place of solitude, good fishing, and abundant wildlife. It is also a place of violent weather, brutal winters, and long idyllic summer days that provide escape from the aggravations that drive his migraines and the discontent of his second marriage. He finds here too, Annie Fallon, twenty years his junior, the daughter of his late father’s companion, who is as displaced as he is and who, after caring for her dying mother, needs to escape the harsh life and her loneliness on “the Upper” and get back to the world Lucas has left behind. Lucas helps her grieve and find a new life in the larger world. While he does, they form an uncommon love for each other. Annie’s need to leave and Lucas’s need to stay makes her leaving emotionally difficult and confusing for both.

About the Author

Michael W. Burns served as a Naval Aviator after graduation from Saint Michael’s College in Vermont. He worked in a variety of staff capacities for Committees and Members of the United States Senate for 12 years before joining the Veteran’s Administration Healthcare System in San Diego, California, as an Administrative Assistant to the Director and then to the Chief Medical Officer. Since 2001, he has traveled and written extensively about the United States and Canada. Michael has authored four previous books. His first book was a non-fiction account of the first of his more than 250,000 miles of solo trips in a recreational vehicle across the United States and Canada, He has created three works of fiction. Into the Blue Far Distance, published in 2002, chronicled his trip. Sunset House, his first work of fiction was published in 2010, the second, The Two Worlds of Harry Logan in 2013, and the sequel, The Transformation of Harry Logan in 2014.