Miracles, Parables and Commandments of Jesus
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a collection of the miracles, parables and commandments of Jesus, presented by way of comparative study of the four gospels. Jesus is presented here as a human being, homeless and itinerant, who became son of God through renunciation, meditation which led to self-realization. He through the miracles, taught us to restrain from self-glorification, the root cause of sin, but give glory to God for all your achievements because it is not your body, but the spirit of God in you that enables you to do miracles or the works of God. Through the Parables he taught us to what is the kingdom of God and how to seek it. The Commandments, conveyed to us through the Sermon on the Mount teach us how to purify our hearts, lead a righteous life and become perfect or sons of God, who is perfect. One who realize the truth of the Sermon and live accordingly would become God on earth. It is the sum total of all ancient great religions in the world. This book is divided into three parts: the first part dealing with miracles performed by Jesus; the second with parables told by Jesus in the course of his public ministry that form part of his teachings; and the third, commandments, as contained in the Sermon on the Mount.
About the Author
A Godfearing individual for whom Jesus Christ is the Rabbi, Master and Lord, having held senior finance positions in various Industries in India. After retirement practiced as Management/Company Law consultant. Now leading a retired life; studying the scriptures, particularly gospels and practicing Raja Yoga (meditation) and allied spiritual matters, enjoying peace of mind and heavenly bliss promised by Jesus to those who love him.