PeopleTek’s Leadership Journey I

Driving Results Through Self Discovery

by Michael W. Kublin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/12/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781665577892

About the Book

The Leadership Journey® is a powerful 12 session development program that transforms leadership by providing the tools and techniques that enhance levels of effectiveness. It enables you to understand your strengths and preferences, while better understanding the styles and building interpersonal relationships with others. This process improves people skills throughout the organization so that senior leadership can rest assured the business is being managed and directed based on what is going to matter most to the bottom line. Leaders of all levels will learn the critical components of effective leadership and determine their most important responsibilities and priorities. You will learn to give and receive feedback in an honoring way, understand unique leadership styles through self-assessment instruments, learn how to handle difficult individuals, enhance your communication and change management style, and build stronger relationships. You will also understand the importance of having written vision, mission and goal statements, and understand why 100% of behaviors must support them. The Leadership Journey attracts leadership participants with differing backgrounds and different professions. These differences add value through rich participant exchanges, and by the sharing of unique experiences and leadership solutions.

About the Author

Michael Kublin is the founder/President of PeopleTek, a coaching and leadership development company credited with helping individuals and businesses attain desired results and build successful careers. Michael is dedicated to transitioning business professionals into successful leaders. He developed the multi session Leadership Journey™ and Team Leadership Journey™ programs to enable leaders and their teams to be more effective by identifying and implementing newly discovered practices. A recent CEO said “PeopleTek has transformed our organization from being reactive to proactive. Without the program we would not have grown or maybe even survived”. Mike is also the author of 12 Steps For Courageous Leadership and Leadership Insights; both provide leadership tips and solutions. Prior to PeopleTek Mike was a leader at American Express and Electronic Data Systems. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida and received his MBA from Nova Southeastern University.