Pitty the Bully

Compassion Over Reaction

by Jessica Brown & Illustrated by Kwan Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/05/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781728363165

About the Book

Pitty the Bully teaches children to identify bullying behaviors in themselves and find better ways to “solve the problem”. Using animal behavior and breed stereotypes, Pitty teaches the dangers of labels and the limitless possibilities of behavior modification. Based on real people, animals and events, Pitty shows the power of love between a boy and his dog and the ability we all have to change. “Pitty”, a nickname for pitbulls, is a play on words for “pity”: to feel compassion for another through understanding, and we use “Bully” as a description of characteristics. So “Pitty the Bully”, is about showing compassion for those who are described as bullies, both animal and human.

About the Author