From Broken to Beautiful

A Memoir in Poetry

by Cynthia R. Harris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/12/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781728335056

About the Book

From Broken to Beautiful: A Memoir in Poetry, is a heart throbbing, tear jerking book that gives an imitate look on the inside of the struggles and delights of the Christian Faith. Written in poetry, Cynthia R. Harris is an author who brilliantly paints the picture of the hardships she has experienced, along with amazingly scribing her rewards as it relates to the hidden spiritual world. This book captures the secret dark places that are often taboo to speak openly about in the faith community. Wonderfully written in poetry, this author was successful in indulging the reader with gut-wrenching, goose bumps giving, and thrilling insights of the battles between good and evil. Rather if you are a believer or not, this book is a must read; for it discusses circumstances we all as human beings has endured at some point of our lives. It doesn’t disappoint.

About the Author

Cynthia R. Harris is an American author, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Since her teenage years, Cynthia has been writing different genres of literature, from poetry to short stories, to fiction, and theatrical scripts. Now at the age of 32, she has published her first book. The inspiration for this book comes from the years of poetry she has written, and from the influence of the spiritual healing she has gone through. "I want this book to touch the hearts, souls, and spirits, of those who read it, just as it has touched me. I toiled with writing these poems for years and I'm blessed to finally have them published. I thank God for this journey and for blessing me with this wonderful gift of writing. I hope each and every reader enjoys this book and I pray that it’ll give them peace, comfort, and healing.” - Cynthia Harris