Birthing Purpose Out of Pain

From Pain to Purpose

by Author Love



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/09/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781665568357

About the Book

The trauma that I have experienced from the age of 5 years old until my teen age has developed me into a damage little girl. Eventually, I became a unhealed woman. “I realize my hardest battles in life helped launch me forward to purpose. The abandonment, rejection, disappointments, shame, failure, betrayal, rape, and depression. God used to birth a powerful ministry inside of me. I remember in my childhood experiencing rejection and abandonment from family and friends who was suppose to love and embrace me. The painful slander and abuse that destroyed my confidence as a child. I was a teenager when I was violated. I felted like I wouldn’t ever recover from the pain of sexual abuse and betrayal. I felt discarded and filthy and ashamed. I felt like I deserved what happen to me. I went into a deep depression that led me into suicidal thoughts and attempts. At the age of 18 I was broken and I felt worthless without hope. One Friday night service I receive the precious Holy Spirit with power. My life was different day on, I knew God had a purpose for me. God begin to heal me in areas of where I was broken in, some areas are in the process of being healed due to the unhealed symptoms. God also, provided me with the necessary strategies, resources, and place people in my life that was equip to help me on this journey. What God has placed in me had to be birth. I was carrying a promise inside of me that had to come fourth. My pain helped pushed me to the feet of Jesus. It was in my brokenness is where the oil flowed. Seeking God’s Kingdom and his righteousness has allowed success and favor to overtake my life. I am a chosen vessel of God who discovered my divine purpose on earth. The things that tried to destroy me God has allowed me to triumph over it. It’s working for my good. I am living testimony that you can come from anywhere and God can use you for glory. Birthing purpose out of pain is a love story of how God’s love rescued me from a place of brokenness to restoration. My pain helped me to aligned to my divine purpose. I smile now because I realize now how much God loves me. Not even the lies of the enemy can convince me anything different.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Author Love was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio to my mother Constance. I was raised in a single-family home with my mother and 3 other siblings. I am the oldest out of my mother children. My father wasn’t present in my life growing up. I was raised up and active in ministry since I was a young girl. I believe I was about 14 years of age when realize that God has place a gift inside that was bigger than me. At that age I knew that God gave me the gift of influence. As a teen parent I had my first speaking engagement as my confidence was increased, also I seen a major impact I had on my audience. I had a great passion for helping people. Later, I went through a medical training and got my CNA certification. I work in the medical field for 15 years of my life. I have actively worked with the youth since the age of 18 years old as a mentor. Through school settings as well as ministries. At 26 years of age I graduated from college in 2010 and obtained an associate degree in business administration and management. I graduate with honors obtaining one presidents’ certificate and three dean’s list certificates. I am the founder and CEO of a community of God's mission for women. Mentally physically spiritually and financially, also, to encourage women to identify what their purpose is, and walk in it. While God illuminating to women the power that that lies within.