Lights, Camera, Action: It’s Cassie Lewett!

by Debbie Cohen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/05/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781728361154

About the Book

Lights, Camera, Action: It’s Cassie Lewett! Cassie Lewett and her mom love to do their pretend show “The Lewett Duet” at home. Cassie likes to imagine that she’s on stage... singing, acting, and dancing. She wants to perform on a real stage, but there is just one problem: Cassie has stage fright. With the help of loving family members and good friends, Cassie works on making her dream of being on the stage come true!

About the Author

Debbie Cohen has always loved drama and theatre. For twelve years, she was a middle school drama teacher, directing and producing large scale productions. She also led drama clubs and improvisation groups in which students learned theatre games, bonded over a love of drama, and participated in small workshop performances. Debbie is excited to share Lights, Camera, Action: It’s Cassie Lewett! In the hopes of inspiring readers to take risks in order to make their dreams come true. Debbie now teaches reading and writing to middle schoolers and particularly enjoys seeing their voices come through as they grow their confidence as independent writers. Debbie would like to dedicate this book to her mother who instilled a love of the arts in her, and to her daughter who she hopes will always face life with joy, tenacity, and a willingness to try new things.