Lower Alabama Bigfoot

No Longer a Myth

by Ashley R. McPhaul



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/01/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781665539869
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781665539852

About the Book

In two neighboring Alabama counties, each with several sleepy communities, hunters are being run out of the swamps, farmers are having their livestock threatened and mauled, and locals are hearing unearthly screams and howls. To have so many reports from one small area seems unusual, but that’s what is happening in lower Alabama. This book is a journey into those reports. What started with a roadside crossing that made the local newspaper and a local radio station morning show quickly escalated into Evergreen being named the Bigfoot Capital of Alabama. People have started talking about their own experiences and no one, including the author, could have foreseen all the stories that were out there. There are Bigfoot reports from all over the world and there have been many movies and books written. The uniqueness of this book is that most of the terrifying stories are within 30 miles of each other. Many are within 10 miles. Bigfoot is no longer just a myth in lower Alabama!

About the Author

Growing up in Excel, or Lower Alabama, Ashley developed a passion for the woods and a love for all the nearby rural communities. He left these towns several times to serve in the military and to further his education, but always found his way back. He now works for the communities he loves as a nurse anesthetist. Ashley still has a passion for the outdoors. He enjoys hunting, fishing, raising Catahoula dogs, and has taught his own children the ways of the woods. Even the ways of creatures that aren’t supposed to exist! He loves folklore and has been a Bigfoot enthusiast for most of his life. He is a member of the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO), as seen in the T.V. series, “Killing Bigfoot,” and was recently featured in the documentary, “The Town that Loved Bigfoot.” Ashley has collected local Bigfoot stories and reports over several decades and has had many of his own personal experiences with this creature. He currently resides just outside the city limits of Excel Alabama.