Ten Pieces of My Former Self

Memoirs of My Journey to God

by Ivy W. Harrell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/03/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9781665519038

About the Book

In Ten Pieces of My Former Self, author Ivy W. Harrell narrates a story of her journey, of childhood angst, daddy issues, and a life gone awry. But she also shares a story about the power of God and how he intervened and delivered her from the angst and waywardness. This memoir chronicles how Ivy realized she couldn’t do life on her own when an inexplicable shift in her heart brought her to her knees as she cried out to the Lord. It offers a look at the lessons she experienced, telling how she learned that when things go wrong and the weight of the wrongness wants to consume her, God will make a way of escape. She learned that reflection helps in seeing more clearly the poor decisions and thoughtless choices, some she barely lived through. She learned that her past—as unsheltered as it was—doesn’t define her. Ivy submits no regrets, only gratefulness to God for having made it through, piece by piece.

About the Author

Ivy W. Harrell was born and raised primarily by her father in Stockton, California. She worked for an aerospace company in El Segundo, CA, before retiring. She enjoys family, gardening, reading, listening to music and is active in church and community. Ivy is a former thirty-year member of Miracle Center Apostolic Church and now fellowships at Peace Apostolic Church where she’s involved in the women’s ministry. She lives in Los Angeles, California.