Interactive Christianity

Study Guide Connecting the Dots……………. The interactions of Christ followers That result in making disciples.

by John W. Mowat



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/01/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781665512244

About the Book

We are all constantly bombarded with words and images. We are not even conscious of most because our subconscious filters them out. Yet too often the church relies almost exclusively on words and images to tell the most important story of all: the good news of Jesus Christ. In His book, Interactive Christianity, John W. Mowat takes us back to the methods and teachings of Jesus Christ Himself, all of which are relational, thus interactive. In this Interactive Christianity; Study Guide, he leaves out background information and focus only on practical application in our day to day interactions with Jesus Christ, His Church, and those around us who do not yet know the real person, who is Jesus Christ. He believes that it is only when all 3 interactions are healthy, that larger numbers of individuals and groups of people can come to ongoing growing relationships with God. Any one of these relationships that are missing, or out of focus, will tend to result in either no birth, stillbirth, or choked birth. Much of the content of Interactive Christianity is retained in the study Guide, but is totally reformatted and focused in an 8 week study, with 5 daily readings each week in preparation for a weekly small group interaction.

About the Author

After 12 tears of Pastoral ministry, John W. Mowat returned to school while pastoring yet another Church. He graduated Suma Cum Laude in 1983 with a Master’s Degree in Christian ministries from what is now Indiana Wesleyan University. John had one passion when he returned to school. He wanted to understand how God wanted to work with both pastors and lay persons to reach a lost world with the gospel. Thus John turned every course that he took while completing his Masters into a study of this subject; i.e. a course on the book of acts became a study of lay persons and leaders in the book of acts. This culminated in his 150 page Master’s thesis; The Ministry of the Laity in its Social Contact as it Affects Evangelism. Dr. Charles Carter, his thesis adviser; author, missionary, and college professor, told him it should be published. Circumstances, and a sense of God leading eventually thrust John back into the world as a lay person. There while pursuing a living as owner of a construction business, John related to employees, real estate personnel, home owners, bankers, sales people, tenants. John saw life. He was in people’s homes, sometimes for months at a time. He was in their lives. During this time and following, John remained active in church related activities, teaching and preaching in churches of 4 different widely varying denominational backgrounds, areas of the country and size of churches. 15 years of pastoral ministry and a Master’s degree produced John’s Master’s thesis. Another 35 plus years of ministry both in and out the pulpit, as well as 23 with his own construction business have uniquely prepared John to write Interactive Christianity and its accompanying study guide.