A Stranger from Tau Ceti

by Michael W. Elliott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/07/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 592
ISBN : 9781665564892

About the Book

“A Stranger from Tau Ceti” is the third book of the “Exiled” saga. The tranquility the family is finally enjoying is unexpectedly interrupted by the arrival of a young security agent from Kmyvik’s home planet. The appearance of a uniformed government agent at their door struck terror into everyone’s heart. There could be no positive reason for such an unprecedented visit. Was Kmyvik’s stay on Earth in jeopardy? Could their time as a happy family be nearing a disastrous end? The stranger’s intervention would change everyone’s lives in ways no one could have foreseen!

About the Author

Mike Elliott graduated from the University of Akron with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Media Communication, with emphasis on Journalism. He also has a minor in Sociology. It was while attending the university that his writing career officially started by being a staff writer for two university newspapers. Mike is a great admirer of Rod Serling. He credits a quote from Rod as being the major influence in his writing. “I like to take ordinary people and put them in extraordinary situations.” This sums up Mike’s writing philosophy. While the actual ideas for his stories come from a variety of sources, Mike firmly asserts the characters come from within his heart claiming there is a lot of himself in each of his characters. Mike describes himself as a hopeless romantic and aspires for these sentiments to come out in his characters. Mike was born in Akron, Ohio and raised in Willoughby, Ohio, before returning to Akron. He now resides in Hershey, Pennsylvania. He has a daughter, Crystal Renee, who was the inspiration for everything he has done since the day she was born. Mike’s passions include music, sports, stamp collecting, films, classic television, and animals.