I Can’t Win for Losing

by John Tarpley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/10/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781665533317

About the Book

Marvin is ready to grow out of his ghetto hood boy and come into ghetto fabulous which means producing more value in a relationship making the world know how to deal with your situations and be ready for more challenges redeeming life of its own, achieving more goals, completing more values, taking chances not failing to prove thyself.

About the Author

John Tarpley is an amazing person. He is half Puerto Rican and African America. His heritage is Puerto Rican, Cuban and African American. He was born and raised in Miami, Florida. His life was not easy growing up. He was moved around in several homes such as foster care and staying with relatives on both sides of his family. He went to several schools through out the years from elementary to high school all in Miami. Once leaving school his life was a little harder and he is ended in prison. While in prison he lost his mother due to a friend in a drive by shooting. During the time he was incarcerated he turn his life over to God and was a change man. He became successful and open-up businesses for 20 years. In his life he had his share of ups and down. However, he has made it right, about writing his books about life.