The Angel of Lorraine

Part 3 of the Richard Calveley Trilogy

by Peter Tallon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/10/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781665593717
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781665593724

About the Book

If anyone wrote a story telling of a humble peasant girl emerging from nowhere to lead the demoralized armies of the most powerful nation in Europe to victory in a few months over a previously unconquerable foe, it would be dismissed as too incredible to be worth reading. Yet this really did happen. The remarkable career of Joan of Arc, as she became known to the English, has no parallel in world history. Her story is also one of the best documented events in Medieval Europe, with a wealth of contemporary records showing how she rose to power. Jeanne, the Maid of Orléans, as she was known to the French, personally touched the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people. While some of those people have been left out of this series, the major players and events of her life are revealed with amazing accuracy. Joan of Arc was not the first person to claim she heard messages from heaven—nor the last—but very few people have had such an impact on world history. Learn about her incredible life in The Angel of Lorraine.

About the Author