Wedged The Poetic Edge

Poems and Short Stories

by Anne W. Mhorelund



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/02/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781665549394
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781665549370

About the Book

In her poetry, the author attempts to create a view of the world through poetic lenses. Writing in several genres, she aims to stretch readers’ imaginations and challenge unsettled scores with nature, love, and man’s will. She accomplishes this through a frame that draws on insight and questions about this and other realms. The poet’s use of the narrative, free-verse, and rhyme stroke images imbedded in the readers’ mind and heart to coax them to the surface. Through a palette painted with joy, her poetry depicts the fragility of blossoms and the warmth that embraces spiritual awareness. In Wedged – The Poetic Edge, two short stories and one hundred and twenty five poems depicting life through humor, history, and culture, swinging from moods of happiness and sadness, are blended to create a unique reading experience.

About the Author

The author was born in the low country of South Carolina. She is the mother of three and grandmother of four boys. After an absence from the region for many years, she returned to find that the beauty and serenity of life and people she recalled, their beckoning smiles, warmth of hearts, the magnolias, live oaks and southern cuisine were still captivating. Driven by a desire to touch people reaching below the surface, she attempts to capture these substances and attributes on paper splattering the true-to-life characters found in her novels, short stories and poetry with drama, and the uncompromising passion in which they lived. The author considers herself a home grown tourist of this enchanting region with its historical buildings and architecture and horse drawn wagons, leaving her spellbound upon spotting pits of rage. She is retired from Charleston County local government and lives with her daughter in a hamlet of Dorchester County near the historical cities of Charleston, and Summerville, South Carolina, known as the birth place of the sweet tea industry. Anne W. Mhorelund is the pen name for Betty McZorn.