Create the World without Disease

by Mohammad Munir Hossain Khan MBBS PhD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/05/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781665558471

About the Book

This book is written about a miracle method by which we may hope to have a “World without disease”: IT IS BASED ON THE COMBINATION OF SOME SIMPLE BASIC SCIENTIFIC FACTS • PROTEASES (enzymes), IN ADDITION TO HAVE BENEFICIAL FUNCTIONS IN OUR BODY, CAN ALSO INVOLVED IN THE TRIGGERING OF MANY DISEASES. • POLYPHENOL (PP) CONTAINING FOODS INCREASE A PROTEIN CALLED ALPHA-2-MACROGLOBULIN - A2M (A BROAD SPECTRUM PROTEASE INHIBITOR) NATURALLY FROM LIVER IN OUR BODY AND PROTECT US FROM THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF PROTEASES. • IN A CLINICAL STUDY WE HAVE SHOWN THAT WHEN THE CONCENTRATION OF A2M IS LOW IN OUR BODY FOR ANY REASON, WE BECOME SICK • KEEPING A2M IN NORMAL CONCENTRATION IN OUR BODY IS ESSENTIAL TO KEEP US HEALTHY We need to know the reasons people die to improve how people live. Globally first 5 causes of death are as follows: In upper income countries 1. Ischemic heart disease 2. Alzheimer’s disease and dementias 3. Stroke 4. Trachea, Bronchus, lung cancer 5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease In upper and lower middle income countries 1. Ischemic heart disease 2. Stroke 3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4. Trachea, Bronchus, lung cancer 5. Lower respiratory infection In contrast In lower income countries 1. Neonatal conditions 2. Lower respiratory infection 3. Ischemic heart disease 4. Stroke 5. Diarrheal disease • I INVENTED A LIST OF SOME SIMPLE, INEXPENSIVE AND EASILY AVAILABLE FOOD ITEMS WITH SOME SUPERFOODS WHICH CAN STIMULATE THE LIVER TO RELEASE NATURAL UNACTIVATED A2M. • USING THESE FOODS, 465 PEOPLE ARE ENJOYING THEIR HEALTHY LIFE (NOT EVEN FEVER, COUGH OR ANY OTHER HEALTH ISSUES) FOR LAST 4 TO 5 YEARS. • SO FAR (01-12-2022), NONE OF THE VOLANTEERS, USING THESE FOODS HAD SUFFERED FROM CURRENT PANDEMIC COVIT-19 I SUGGEST TO INCLUDE SERUM A2M TEST IN OUR REGULAR BLOOD WORK TO CHECK OUR HEALTH STATUS.

About the Author

He is a medical graduate (MBBS) from Sir Salimullah Medical School, Bangladesh. After finishing his residency he worked as an assistant surgeon in the rural area (Tangail) in Bangladesh. After two years he moved to the department of casualty (trauma) surgery in Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. He had opportunity and experience to treat a lot of trauma patients over there. At that time (1996-1998) he realized that with the traditional treatment protocol, many patients did not recover and unfortunately died specially burn patients (usually more than 30% of burn) due to severe infections and septic shock. He wanted to study more on ‘septic shock’. In 1998 he got a scholarship from the Government of Japan for higher studies and wanted to fulfil his dream to find out the “cause of death due to infection and how to cure the disease (s)”. He completed his PhD in 1993 from the department of Immunology and Molecular Pathology, Kumamoto University, Japan on the project “role of bacterial proteases in septic shock”. He found a very new concept that, it is not the endotoxin, but proteases are the main cause of septic shock. So he thought use protease inhibitor to cure septic shock. He successfully cured live bacteria (pseudomonas aeruginosa) inoculated septic shock animal models (guinea pigs and rats) by using purified broad spectrum protease inhibitor (alpha-2-macroglobulin-A2M), which he published in 4 international peer reviewed journals at that time. He realized that, one day this A2M may give him success to cure human diseases. Which he eventually proved with some simple food items. He left Japan in 1994 after his PhD and worked as a faculty position in multiple biomedical research project in University of Pennsylvania and Temple University School of Medicine, USA. He finally developed a simple miracle method to stop diseases.