Pray for Us

by Molly O’Dowd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2022

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781728375892
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781728375908

About the Book

“The world is nothing but fire, and I am burning for it.” In a world where everyone has an ability, Helia Keres has a curse. As the leading assassin of Callantesha, Helia thinks she has her life pretty planned out. That is, until an investigation into Kingsland goes awry. Suddenly she is forced to bend to the will of a regent she loathes, duty-bound to hunt and eliminate the Violet Cloaks- an ancient rebel group notoriously power hungry, posing a threat to the city’s very existence. As friendships are formed and love interests bloom, Helia’s ability to keep her curse a secret becomes strained, torn between her instinct to hide and the overwhelming emotions that come with first love- and first heartbreak. When her friends she has sworn to protect are put further into harms way, will her efforts be enough to save the city from ruin? Even the friends she thought she knew begin to breed fresh doubt. When loyalties are divided and emotions wracked with complications, Helia must search within herself to save her kingdom from the Violet Revolt.

About the Author