Confessions of a Baptist Minister

by Jon Magee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/09/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9798823089166

About the Book

Confessions of a Baptist Minister is a record of ministry over 41 years. Ministry has not been just a quiet life but has led the author to be available for a variety of situations. The author has been there for a plane crash on a Hebridean hill side, facing a man armed with a gun, and to minister to alcoholics and drug addicts. The author reveals that there is much to be gained reaching across the cultural divides of life. In short this book reveals that ministry is an exciting life. This is the 3rd book published by the author. Previously he wrote of experiences in Yemen and Singapore. They are titled From Barren Rocks to Living Stones and also Paradise Island Heavenly Journey.

About the Author

Jon Magee currently lives in Cambridgeshire, England where he pastors a Baptist church. He and his wife, Joan, have 2 sons, 3 daughters, and 8 grandchildren. He had a nomadic youth living in Singapore, Yemen, Kenya, Cyprus, Malta, and Germany. Jon was later to study at the Bible Training Institute and the Baptist College, both of which were in Glasgow, Scotland In 1983 he was ordained as a Baptist Minister and has ministered in Scotland, England, and briefly in USA.