Where is the FKN Commonsense?

by Dr. M. Asif Nawaz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/08/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9798823031912

About the Book

This book is the second edition of my first book, “A Commonsense Book with a Trillion Dollar Project,” now with a new catchy title and improved cover: “Where is the FKN Commonsense?” I had to republish it with essential modifications to better address ongoing societal issues contributing to the divide in our nation. Instead of stabilizing other nations and highlighting crime and violence abroad, we should focus on reducing our crime rate, curbing violence, and building our infrastructure. With the American spirit second to none, as the world leader blessed with abundance, we are a beacon of hope and the most powerful nation with the best constitution. We stand up to tyrants and champion human rights, innovation, and freedom. But why is our society becoming polarized, with increasing insecurities and fears? Despite heightened security, why are we more vulnerable? Though we help the world more than any other nation, why do we have more enemies and dissatisfaction at home? Are we complicating matters by following the marketing gimmicks of mainstream media, politicians, policymakers, lobbyists, and corporations? Have we, as peacemakers and nation builders, created more chaos? Why are we eager to fix other nations instead of improving our own? Why are we trying to liberate nations only to create more terrorists and chaos? Isn’t it time to start evaluating beyond the glitter, biases, and greed? Shouldn’t we ask commonsense questions and simplify our approach as Americans, not as corporate hawks, biased lobbyists, Democrat-Americans, or Republican-Americans? The Trillion Dollar Space Economics Project concept supports and discusses a commonsense mindset with a vision of peace, collaboration, generating tremendous employment, reducing polarization, and reviving the post-COVID economy. It’s time to focus on making things better at home and harnessing our potential for the benefit of all Americans.

About the Author

The author has a Ph.D. in Computing and Information Systems, with an extensive and multifaceted career in both corporate and government sectors. Among many roles, his remarkable journey includes positions such as Chief Operating Officer, Director of Operations, General Manager, Deputy Director, Economic Specialist, Professional Associate, Academic Specialist, Assistant Professor, and Math Teacher. With over 20 years of diverse international experience, he has excelled in research, academics, operations, as well as project and program management. His expertise spans machine learning, complexity, data analysis, and economic reporting and analysis, garnered from working with prestigious institutions like the US State Department, the US Department of Defense, and the corporate world. This diverse international experience assures readers of his global perspective. Among other achievements, he is also the recipient of the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service and the Achievement Medal for Civilian Service. Moreover, he led the US Embassy Baku Green Team that won the 2022 Greening Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) Award for Excellence in Team Sustainability Performance. His multifaceted career also includes stints as a Management Consultant for industrial partners, Finance Manager of a technology incubation center, Lead Project Manager for a consulting firm, and Business Analyst for a tech company. His impressive academic credentials, including an MBA and bachelor’s degrees in Business, Economics, Statistics, and Mathematics, attest to his deep knowledge and expertise. He has also completed the POLECON Tradecraft Course from the US Foreign Service Institute, the Instructor Course Certification from the US Defense Language Institute, and received a Hospitality Management Program Certification from Wyndham University, further broadening his skill set. Combined with his economic and regional expertise, these qualifications provide him with unparalleled insight and a unique perspective, giving additional credibility and firepower to this unconventional book’s blunt and unique perspective. In his previous edition, he initially wanted to title the book “Where is the FKN Commonsense?” but was advised by a mentor to avoid slang and focus on the concept of Space Economics. He thus named it “A Commonsense Book with a Trillion Dollar Project,” while still hinting at his original title on the cover and writing under the pen name “You and Me” to eliminate bias. Due to overwhelming encouragement from friends and feedback from some readers, he has reverted to his original title in this second edition, proudly displaying his name and credentials. The title, “Where is the FKN Commonsense?” captures his candid, thought-provoking style, offering readers a refreshing, no-nonsense, enlightening, and transformative perspective. (Author - Mohammad Asif Nawaz)