The Pioneers


by Ben Owens



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/01/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 482
ISBN : 9798823032797

About the Book

Imagine you could live 1000 years in utopian world. Not in a desolate world depicted in apocalyptic novels, but in a renewed world ruled by a benevolent King, the Lord Jesus Christ, from the restored nation of Israel. There would be long life, abundance, health and safety from accidents and nature, world peace and social justice. Who will live in such a world? The Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles describe an imminent 7-year period of total world chaos in which God concludes this current age with a prolonged series of physical trials for all mankind. It is alternately called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble or the Great Tribulation, and depicts a test of allegiance to a malevolent, demonically empowered individual named the Beast or Antichrist, or to God. You can read the details in St. John’s description in Revelation 4-20. Christian believers will have disappeared prior to these events in what is commonly called the Rapture. Those left behind must endure this Tribulation period with two possible outcomes. If they call upon God for salvation and are martyred, they return with immortal bodies to help the King rule and reign His Kingdom. If they survive, they must travel to Israel to be judged by the King. If found worthy, they will enter the Millennial Kingdom as pioneers to recreate a new world as depicted in the first novel of this series: Commencement. In this Kingdom, Satan and his demonic entities will be bound to not foment chaos, but human nature will be unchanged. It will manifest the three primal sins of greed, lust and pride. This story examines how greed might infect a society in the new nation of Cascadia. You might be there! The events are hypothetical, but how would you react?

About the Author