E-book Promo Venture - 30 days


As a reader, you might already know the allure of book sales and bargain bookshops. There’s nothing like coming across a great book at a discounted price—whether it’s a bestseller or a new yet intriguing title.

So why not attract potential readers for your book in the same way? Tap into the excitement that comes with bargains through our E-book Promo Venture - 30 days.

Here’s how it works: We will mark down the retail price of your Kindle book to 99ȼ*** on Amazon for a set period. And to get the word out about this special deal, we will advertise your book through banner ads on these two popular online platforms:

  • BookBub, a daily email blast that champions e-book discovery, notifying 62.4 million subscribers* about deals on hand-picked recommendations as well as updates from their favourite authors; and
  • Facebook, the most popular social media platform, with 2.5 billion users worldwide visiting the site on a daily basis.**

With this service you get:

  • Limited-time price change of your Kindle book to 99***
  • Placement of your book ad on BookBub’s daily email blasts for 30 days. See sample here
  • Your e-book promo, along with seven others in the same genre category, will be advertised on Facebook for 30 days. See sample here

Do you think your book would benefit from a longer campaign? A 60-day option is available! Talk to your Marketing Consultant today to learn more.

*As of 2018
**Statista, 2020
*** Promo price is in US currency and will be available on Amazon.com only

Call 0800 0148641 or +44 20 3695 6322 (Intl) to order

or speak to a AuthorHouse UK team member for more information about this service

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Prices listed do include the copies of the book; the cost of shipping and handling will be calculated and charged after your book is made available for sale.