O noble people, of all nations
Listen; please listen;
We acknowledge Yeshua The Messiah was born in Bethlehem in Israel, proved himself to be our Savior and then died on the cross for all peoples sins, then was resurrected and ascended into the highest Heaven to be at the Majesty's right hand to reign forever over all existence, by their holy presence. Accordingly our creator told all nations many times and in various ways to have group authority in government; by the scriptures. However, the warning was not heeded and has caused the fourfold severe judgements of God to go into effect. When any nation chooses a single ruler, that nation is regarded as having forsaken the Lord and has committed a great sin. History declares the consequences of that decision. The effect is wars and revolts, the powers of nature and the elements shall buffet, economic difficulties will occur, sickness and disease will multiply, crime will increase, unjust laws will be placed into effect, parents shall have their babies slain, there will be instability in society of all kinds, and these punishments shall increase until each Nation's government resolves the serious transgression of this principle. This lack of respect for our Creator influences all of society with the same lack of respect. We need group authority in government to resolve these terrible difficulties and to provide a future for the
children of the Earth. Amen
Our creator wants to share his wisdom, his blessings, his justice, his prosperity and his life, with all nations and all people. The conditions are reasonable, acknowledge his only begotten son, his holy presence, have group authority in government, preserve the life of the newly conceived, and love one another. These are the Lord's requests and if acknowledged all benefits shall come upon us all, as a gentle
Shower. The following document has already been sent to all ambassadors of the United Nations. And we believe the Lord. This is the goodness of God, He is willing to share, however, any nation that doesn't acknowledge these reasonable requests shall incur the fourfold severe judgements of God. The only reasonable choice is to respond to life instead of punishment. Our Lord is waiting for all nations to respond reasonably to His requests and has great patience with reasonable children and longs for all of us, His children to understand Him and to care for all of our brothers and sisters! Our Savior wants all of his people to have mutual respect to one another, because He has placed His commonsense in each one of us and wants us all to be one nice family. And surely and truly He controls all things and can cause whatever is reasonable in regards to all conditions. And truly we all must realize and acknowledge only our creator can keep us all in a sane mind.
When our country was still in its infancy, our people had a form of group authority in our government. However, because of the lack of knowledge of the scriptures; our forefathers decided to choose a single ruler as other nations. The consequences of that decision is extremely serious and has the potential for tragic results. Even history records; single ruler governments had continuous revolts and or collapsed economically. And the Declaration of Independence says very clearly; whenever any form of government causes continuous destructive results; then it is the right and the duty of the people to alter our government; establishing its foundation on such principles to ensure the security and happiness of our people! We the people: therefore it is a necessity, to have group authority in our government. For only a government governed by a group of people with equal authority; chosen by consensus will continue to be prosperous for our posterity. Even commonsense declares quite plainly, all situations can be resolved through discussion. Our government and our people have the responsibility to establish and maintain a form of government that has the probability of being successful. For the purpose of government is to protect the rights of the innocent and justice shall always prevail eternally. Amen
(89 pages)