Escape to Freedom
An Autobiography of Cynthia Lynn
Book Details
About the Book
The meat of the story concerns the adventures of three women against the world during World War II or the unconquerable human spirit. Cynthia Lynn was eight years old in 1944 when the Russians returned to Latvia. Although her mother, Alisa, hated both the Germans and the Russians, she agreed to sing at the German Officers’ Club without pay on the promise that if the Russians returned, the Germans would help her family get out of Latvia. They kept their promise.
The men decided to stay with their property in Latvia in case the war ended soon so Zinta (Cynthia), her mother and grandmother, left Latvia on a cold and rainy night on the back of a German Army truck. With little more than the clothes on their backs they endured starvation, deprivation, inclement weather and all the inconveniences of war when one is trying to escape, the whole time dodging bombs, akak guns and machine-gun fire from both the Russians and the Germans.
This story has an ethereal aspect to it because during this whole time Cynthia was sure that a guardian angel was looking after them because of certain incidents that happened along the way. Two or three times they were given advice to move on by some mysterious stranger who disappeared soon after and the place they had just left was bombed to rubble almost immediately. After arduously making their way to Wiesbaden and spending many months there, the Americans marched in and the war was over in Europe.
After an ocean voyage the three ladies saw the beauty of The Statue of Liberty for the first time on Christmas Eve 1950. The air of freedom and beauty surrounding Cynthia was just too much for her to bear, bringing tears to her eyes.
Being as beautiful as she was, she soon found herself in the whirl of show business as a model, dancer, actress, working for the likes of Johnny Carson, Jackie Gleason and Bess Myerson and acting in movies with Marlon Brando and many well-known actors of that era.
Spending time in a rocky marriage (her husband was very jealous) she was soon cast in the only female part in the original cast of "Hogan’s Heroes." Since her marriage seemed to be an on-and-off affair, she fell in love with Bob Crane on the set of "Hogan’s Heroes" leading to very hot affair.
Obviously, the above is just a smattering of the events that took place and you’ll have to enjoy reading the book for all the details and to see how it ends.
About the Author
EDWARD ANSARA belongs to five performers’ unions and has performed in every medium except the ballet. A Juilliard Graduate, he started in radio at the age of 15. After three years he left radio to prepare for an operatic career. This was interrupted by World War II. He was inducted as a private and came out as a captain. Commissioned in the Infantry he ended up in Special Services in Cairo, Egypt. During the war, he wrote, produced, and appeared in many shows for the Army. Many years later he retired as a lieutenant colonel.
After Juilliard, he wrote, produced, directed and appeared in shows for conventions in Atlantic City. After stints with the Robert Shaw Chorale in Toscanini concerts, he toured in concert and recorded with The Revelers Quartet, appearing at the Palace in New York City, at the White House and 150 cities across the U.S. He has appeared in opera with secondary companies on both coasts: Chautauqua Opera Company, Town Hall--NYC, The Brooklyn Opera Company at The Brooklyn Academy of Music, West End Opera Company, Redlands Bowl, etc.
As an actor he has appeared on stage in New York and Hollywood and in several major movies such as Black Sunday and Fun With Dick and Jane, etc.--Television series: Hard Copy, General Hospital, The A-Team, etc. and in many commercials: AT&T, Sprite, Kenner Toys, Meineke Mufflers, A&W Root Beer, etc.
As a writer he already has his novel available through 1st Books Library and in bookstores: THE BLACKJACK CASANOVA. He has written two other books besides the aforementioned and this one: ESCAPE TO FREEDOM, several screenplays, and the book, music and lyrics to two musical comedies. Plus many songs and other smaller works in between.
He is also a commercial artist/letterer and was associated with the sign industry for about 50 years. He established, owned and operated SUPERIOR SIGN STUDIOS in Hollywood from 1969 to 1988 and most of his work was show business related: Motion Pictures and Commercials.