Whispered To!

Volume I

by Gary Vochatzer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/06/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759675872

About the Book

This is a sample of a massive amount of work God has poured into me these past ten years. This work is some of the very first poems written through hearing that ever so slight whisper of God. The poetry/short statement/and the short story are what I was led to put into this first book (Volume I).

About the Author

I am about as average as you can get. At age 26 I became a born again Christian at a Billy Graham movie. I was an all out bible thumper and active church member until age 40. I took a 10-year hiatus! At god’s whisper I came back into the family but put the thumping down! Active church membership cooled within me and God began ever so slowly of me writing poetry that to this day I have no idea where it came from except God! Then stories. It got to a point I had a storehouse full of this work and no where to put it. I took a year off (1999-2000) then in 2001 felt God call to say “put it in a book.” Now here I am 35 years after being born again and still attempting to find out my purpose in belonging to the human race? Maybe this book and many more to come will finally tell me?

I have been blessed since 1990 with the whisper of God at all hours of any day...be it from the time early in the wee hours...the afternoon during a work day...driving along a roadway and to pull over...God has chosen the time to write, I hear and stop whatever it is I am doing and write...God chooses the topic...I do the penmanship...I never know when He will whisper, I am simply a tool for Him to use for His purpose!

There is a long story that goes with this, but perhaps in a later book I can go into this fabulous, wonderful, exciting experience with the Creator of all there is...was...and will be.  Read what God says for there is a massive diningroom set with volumes of this material ready to be served at each sitting...so come and enjoy the banquet served by God and his servant!


Enjoy what God has given so readily

Free for all of us!


Gary J. Vochatzer

Stockton & Arnold, California