by Mike Herman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/01/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781403368263

About the Book

The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Department seized a red corvette based upon an anonymous tip from the merciless Mr. B. They impounded the car and dismantled it to the point that they found cocaine buried in it. Then they stopped looking. Mr. B banked on that, and there is still something in that Corvette that he requires to enact his plot of economic terror against the US. He's waited a lifetime for this.

Innocent John Rhodes has done nothing wrong, technically. John simply crossed over the line, by accepting Mr. B's Corvette, instead of the car he truly won by SILENT AUCTION. Then, within a few brief days, he is hunted down by every law enforcement agency in several states. He is assumed to be the murderer of five people, and is chased on a "lethal force acceptable" basis.

Mr. B as a ransom for the car has abducted John’s wife, Cindy. John doesn't know what is in his Corvette, but he will gladly trade it for Cindy.

If you have ever considered purchasing seized property from our government, you should read SILENT AUCTION first. There could be a lot more auction action than you ever conceived.

About the Author

Prior to being diagnosed with Parkinson's, Mike Herman was an industrial salesman for twenty-six years. He finished his last three years of his sales career happy to know what illness he was coping with from that time forward.

He was equally happy when he realized that in his retirement years, beginning at age forty-six, his illness gifted him with time to write the many stories he conceived, while driving and thinking, an average of 200 miles per day.

Mike has published three inspirational/devotional books in his Silent Echoes Series, contributed to several newsletters and to a major Madison, Wisconsin newspaper, as well as having several of his stories printed in two hunting magazines.