by Alan W. Arata, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/05/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781410725394

About the Book

The parents guide to swimming, July 5, 2003
Reviewer: Rebecca Uhl- van Oostendorp from Oxford, MS United States
As a past competitive swimmer and current USS swimming coach, I cannot express enough gratitude to Dr. Arata for the invaluable asset he offers to parents, swimmers and coaches alike.  This book is the answer to the question parents often ask: "We don't know anything about swimming; is there anything to read?"  THIS is it!  The information in this book will provide the security, comfort and knowledge for any new parent whose child is entering swimming.  Moreover, it enables them to understand, support and encourage their child in this wonderful lifelong sport.  I am buying and distributing copies to my team.  Thank you, Dr. Arata, for putting into the written word what ordinarily takes years to otherwise get across.

The Handbook for all Parents of Swimmers, July 5, 2003
Reviewer: Roger W Rechsteiner from Lubbock TX
This is a terrific book!  How I wish I'd had it when my own swimming daughter was feeling "burned out".  Dr. Arata has great ideas on how to motivate kids past that stage so they have a chance to fulfill their potential.  A wonderful resource on training, diet – everything!  Super A+!

Great information for parents of competitive swimmers!, July 6, 2003
Reviewer: Terre Christensen
Parents' Guide to Swimming is a much needed tool for parents of competitive swimmers.  In it I found information on every topic an involved parent would need, especially a parent lacking a swimming background.  Arata's perspective on the role of parents and coaches is especially helpful.  He provides suggestions as to how parents can help their children succeed in competitive swimming while leaving the coaching to the coach.  A very worthy read packed full of good information on topics ranging from nutrition to flexibility to how to find a suitable program for your swimmer.  A must have!

The Parents' Guide to Swimming is the parents’ manual for the mental, physical and practical aspects of competitive swimming.  This is a must read for all swimming parents as Alan Arata, Ph.D. covers what you can do to enhance your young swimmer's performance and enjoyment, not just today, but throughout your child’s lifetime.

The Parents' Guide to Swimming addresses how parents can develop mental strength and motivation in their swimmers as well as how to avoid or reverse swimming burnout.  It details how parents can increase their children’s swimming speed through flexibility training.  The Parents’ Guide to Swimming teaches parents what makes swimmers fast (from an easy-to-understand biomechanical perspective), and it describes what swimmers do during workouts and the unique nutritional needs these workouts require.  Further, it is the parent’s guide to practical issues such as buying swimming equipment, helping their children prepare for swim meets and the relationship with their child's coach.  The Parents’ Guide to Swimming is the book that all swimming parents should own no matter their background.  Parents will reference it time and time again.

About the Author

Born in 1961, Alan W. Arata holds a B.S. in Engineering, an M.S. in Exercise Science and a Ph.D. in Biomechanics. Dr. Arata started his swimming career at the "very old" age of 15, but at age 17 won a Colorado High School State Championship. After his collegiate swimming career, he competed in and later coached Modern Pentathlon (swimming, running, fencing, shooting and equestrian). Dr. Arata has coached at the NCAA Division I level in two different sports, netting four NCAA trophies. He is the author of several research articles and was a winner of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Contest for mainstream. He is married to the former Kimberly Dunlop, a nine-time Modern Pentathlon National Champion. They have two children who are both age- group swimmers. Dr. Arata currently teaches as a Professor of Biology and Physical Education and swims several times a week.