In Search of Roadway (A Study In Freedom/Captivity)

by Paul W. Daniels



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/06/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781410734693

About the Book

Although each of the Abia series books have been written to stand alone, Abia Book One laid the basic foundation for Abia Book Two.  Abia Book Two and the remainder of the Abia series books builds on and enhances the adventures originated in Abia Book One.

All of the Abia series books are unique and if any two words could best describe them the words would be “very different”, and in more ways than one.

The name “obeah” (sometimes called obi) is banned among some cultures.  Although the names and circumstances are fictitious, the text is based on facts gathered from practitioners of the art.

About the Author

The author of this strange book is Paul W. Daniels.  He writes in a variety of genres and has written seven books and numerous poems as of this date, all being a credit to the art of the novelist.  Some of these books are filled with short stories and poetry; others are full-length novels that have been published and are still on the market at this writing.  The only hope of the author is that the reader enjoys this book moment to moment as it unfolds.

Paul is a world traveler.  He uses his insight and experience to write for the pleasure of others.  He would like to be portrayed, not for any physical differences, but for the obvious literary differences between him and other authors.

Like any good product, Paul feels that the subject has to be original, and looks at writing as something to be molded, along with paying particular attention to the mold itself.  He feels that when forming a story, everything surrounding it has to be considered and eventually converge into an ending with a surprising, unpredictable twist.