silence in the city

by James H. Kurt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/11/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781410735614

About the Book

Listen to the LORD’s voice speaking in your soul, in the silence of your soul.  His silent WORD, His NAME (YHWH) speaks at the heart of all sound; from His Spirit all voice is born.

And no tongue, no noise of man, can disturb its purity, its light.  It breathes.  It lives.  He speaks-- bringing life.  And there is peace.  (Not even death can overcome Him.)

Though borne under a cross of pain, here is but love, here wisdom shines – in silence, without a word.  And in it we find strength; all questions flee.  For nothing touches the awe of His Presence.  Nothing speaks more fearfully than the silence of God.

Listen, if you will, and hear His voice, wherever you are.

About the Author

I Am--

...a mystical poet and philosopher, living, as it were
the life of a monk, whose purpose is to serve as the hub
of the wheel, the still point upon which the world turns,
hidden and secret, and yet without which the wheel would
spin out of place.

The life of the monk is the life of prayer.  Prayer,
the work of the spirit, is that which sustains life.  It
is the air we breathe.  And though it is invisible, though
it cannot be grasped by the hand of man, it serves as life's
very essence.

And the word is the tool of prayer, the tool of the monk,
the poet, the mystic philosopher.  And the word is of God,
who is the Word, the Spirit, the source of all life, and all
words.  With the word the poet speaks, and forms the heart
of the universe, the central axis upon which the world spins.

So, though often overlooked and, when viewed, seen
as insignificant, if not worthless, the function of the monk
is indispensable; it is absolutely integral to the continuation
of life, to existence itself.