The Image of God

A Bible Study of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

by K. W. Swain



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/04/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781418417673

About the Book

God takes a lot of abuse from us:  we like to say that God is Love, but ignore His Judgment; we count on His mercy, but forget He is a Consuming Fire; and worse, we use His Grace to defy His law!  Though all His attributes are mirrored in His Word, human nature will blur His reflection at best.  It is the image of His Son and His work on the cross, however, that God would not have lost or denied, and He created it into the very nature of man to reflect in all the earth in three distinct ways.

One of those ways is the subject of this book – a controversy and a paradox.  Holy matrimony is a true reflection of the relationship between Christ and His Bride.   Why did God allow its distortion by divorce and remarriage?  God is immutable – but did He change His mind for the sake of unruly creatures?  The Word of God does not contradict itself; a “Thus saith the Lord,” for the answers to these questions requires a study of all the scriptures to reveal the true image of God today.   K.W.S.

About the Author

K.W. Swain would like to be known simply as a wife and mother, grandmother of twelve and great-grandmother.  She insists these provide the greatest qualifications she can offer for writing this book:  “My large family has known troubles and found a reason in them, endured pain and sadness overcome by faith and humor, experienced the heartache of divorce and the healing of remarriage, all under the wings of a merciful God.”  Her love of the Primitive Baptist church as a city set on a hill and its descent into Laodicean lukewarm worship prompted her to write this book, but since God has a people in every kindred, tongue and nation, it will be of interest to a more widespread audience as well.