Charlie "Chubby Bubble"

by Spencer W. Davis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/03/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781414038780

About the Book

"Charlie Chubby Bubble" is the first in a series of adventures about a boy who is a little on the "round side" and his friends. In this story they prepare for the "BIG" Sports Day at their school. All of Charlie's friends are excited as they practice for their particular sports event. Tommy is throwing the softball further than he -ever has and Billy is running like the “wind” .After six years of competing but never winning Sports Day, it looks like Charlie's school will finally have a good chance to carry home the winner's trophy but then DISASTER strikes! Now the last -event will decide which school will win Sports Day.

About the Author

The author -is a retired special education teacher and administrator with thirty four years of service to public education. He has worked w1th children and young adults in both elementary and secondary school settings in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

He and his wife now live in a cabin in the woods of northeastern Pennsylvania. They are the proud grandparents of two boys who love to read and play sports. From the many experiences the author has had with children of all ages comes the stories of "Charlie Chubby Bubble” and his friends.