The Last Day

by Jackie Pittman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/11/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781410797216

About the Book

A cutting edge book that deals head on with subjects such as: the antichrist, the mark of the beast and the rapture of the church.  Get ready for a fresh new twist of the coming of the Lord.  Think you know, well think again.  “The Last Day” will whet the appetites of those who hunger after fresh revelation.  Thought provoking, controversial prepare to have the denominational doctrinal soup stirred up.

“The Last Day is written by a man who knows the time table of the end times.  Pittman’s book will definitely be an eye opener to those whose finite view of end-time prophecy permeates their doctrine.”  -R. Hugh McLean author


About the Author

He is happily married to Lynn Boles Pittman.  He is father to four great kids.  One from a previous marriage, Lance Pittman, and three step-children from his present marriage, Ariel Frye Talley, Nathan and Erin Frye.  He feels honored to have had the privilege to be an assistant pastor to the Late Eddie McKinney at Living Praise of Lyman, South Carolina.  He has been involved in some type of ministry most of life: prison and children’s minister, and as a praise and worship music leader.  He is a promoter of creation studies based on the efforts of Ken Ham’s “Back-to-Genesis” Ministry.