Professor Terwilliger and Tim Neptune I

by Cal Patterson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/01/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781414048680

About the Book

Imagine yourself on the bridge of a sleek, new, 70 foot ocean-going yacht. Your companions include two eminent scientists, Professor Howard Terwilliger and his brother Tom, who is at the helm. As you leave the marina at Longboat Landings and motor out into Florida’s Sarasota Bay, Tom engages the yacht’s anti-gravity engines. Neptune I shines with the distinct silver shimmer of an anti-gravity field as it rises and begins the voyage to Key West.

That is the experience of Tim Hale in this second book of the Adventures of Professor Terwilliger and Tim.

Join him and his companions on the demonstration voyage in one of the first very large anti-gravity vehicles. Travel to Key West and Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Visit exotic places in the Caribbean, South America and Panama. Traverse the canal and go on to the Galapagos Islands in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Spend time at the ancient ruins of Tulum in the Yucatan of Mexico. Finally, go aboard the just finished Freedom Ship, the extraordinary floating city, nearly a mile long, 750 feet wide and 25 stories high, which will be the permanent berth for Neptune I.  

Share the adventure with Tim, his sister Marta and their parents, and the Terwilligers, as they endure being detained by the Cuban military, abduction by modern-day Caribbean pirates, and finally a visit from the shadowy group known as El Zabid.

This continues the story of creativity and adventure, of a future that might be, for teens and other young readers of all ages.

About the Author

Cal Patterson is a classic “snowbird;” summers in Michigan and winters in Florida. And, he now has time to turn to writing novels, a dream he has had for years. 

Since his high school and college years, Cal has continued to write both professionally and for pleasure. In high school he won awards for excellence in writing and was editor of the school newspaper. While at the University of Michigan he worked on the Michigan Daily.

His career included three years in the Air Force, thirty in the telephone industry and ten as executive director of a private foundation. In the Air Force he was a pilot in an air refueling squadron of the Strategic Air Command.  During his years in the telephone industry he worked for Northwestern Bell in Iowa and Michigan Bell in the Detroit area. He held a variety of management positions in operations and ultimately in public relations. He managed the employee and public information program at one time for Northwestern Bell in Iowa. And, one of the assignments in public relations with Michigan Bell was to manage the corporate contributions program. This led to the opportunity to retire from the telephone business and move to the McGregor Fund, a private foundation in Detroit.

He draws on his writing skills and a lifetime of experiences, including those enjoyed during several  cruises to destinations in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, for the settings and circumstances that are included in the novel about Professor Terwilliger and Tim aboard Neptune I