of Dukes and Earls

by J. Colman McMillan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/10/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 700
ISBN : 9781414011493

About the Book

THE INTERIM KING - Of Dukes and Earls is the first of two books about England’s last Saxon king, Harold II. Monumental events occurred during Harold’s brief reign in the year 1066, events which irrevocably changed the course of world history and the English language. Like John Kennedy, Harold was the second son of a self-made man who rose from obscurity to influence the kings of England. Harold’s father raised all of his eight children to be fierce competitors and groomed them to assume the leadership of his country. Also like John Kennedy, Harold was a lady’s man and the marital problems of today’s royal family in England seem insignificant when compared to those faced by Harold, who in his quest to become king of England found himself engaged to three different women at the same time. The story includes a broken oath, a vengeful brother, blessings from the Pope, Haley’s comet, and the last great Viking warrior. The characters are real people who lived during the turbulent Middle Ages. The problems of the world in those times were different in some ways from our own times, but were no less traumatic for those who lived, loved, and died then.

About the Author

J. Colman McMillan is a fifth generation American.  During high school, Colman developed a strong passion for history, particularly the Viking Age and Norman Conquest of England.  Upon leaving high school, he studied engineering and later worked in the Oil and Gas Industry, where he traveled extensively and lived as an expatriate in Kuwait, Algeria, Indonesia, Australia and the UK.  Places of historical significance were always a must stop during his many travels.  He has written numerous technical articles and authored the game design, WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR - 1066, published by TSR.  Colman now resides in Magnolia, Texas, a suburb of Houston, with his wife and three daughters, where he is working on numerous other historical fiction projects.