“It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a help-meet suitable for him.” After
creation, Adam had a physical and emotional void. He was lonely. God passed all
the animals before him and had him examine them and name them. There was no creature with a
sameness to him in physical features or in emotional likeness. He needed a
The Scriptures tell us that all things were
made by Jesus, our Redeemer. Creation began the long-range plan of the Godhead,
a plan made before the foundation of the world. It is a mystery, only partially
revealed to us through the Scriptures.
Adam was created with a capacity
to relate to his Creator and he was unable to find another creature also made
with this ability. God made Eve from Adam’s rib thus fulfilling this need.
Ancient Jewish folklore teaches that a man with no wife lives without good,
without help, without joy, without blessing and is incomplete.
Eve was appropriate because Adam burst into joyful praise
when he saw her. At last, a being with whom he could relate, also
important to him was the fact that she was a part of his own body. At last, he
felt that he was complete! Although Eve was made from one of Adam’s ribs and
was a part of his body, she was a separate individual.
Men and women were made for different
roles in life. Eve was made to be an intellectual partner, an emotional
partner, a sex partner and the bearer of children to make a family.
Women bear the children. She was
created with the ability to nurse her children. Her body was made so that she
could feed the helpless newborn. Most women are unhappy without children. The
cry of an empty womb is pitiful and heart rending. Families are the foundation
of civilization. This has always been God’s plan; even before the fall of man.
Women being nurturers of their children was not part
of the curse of Eve’s sin.
Many women today feel that they
have been rendered powerless. NOT SO! What is power? It is influence. Influence has an effect on
the mind. Good women exert good influence on people‘s minds; evil women exert
destructive influence on people‘s minds; Our greatest power as humans is our ability to make
choices, our second greatest power is our influence.
Thinking of influence as a power
is strange to our thinking. Influence is such a different kind of power. It is
not a gift, it is not a talent, it is a God
given-power given to every human born. From the beginning of time women have
wielded their influence not knowing that this power lasts forever.
Every woman is the “Daughter of
Eve”. To some this statement means that women’s influence caused all of the
problems in our lives. They acknowledge the power of a woman’s influence in a
negative way.
Adam was created in the image of
God. He made Eve a help-meet. Helpmeet suitable means it is innate and natural
for a married woman is to want to help in a marriage; she was created to be
this way. The perspective of a helper is someone who acts like God. Helping is
unselfish, God is perfectly unselfish. Holy angels are messengers sent by God
to help His people. We can choose to be rebellious against God, because we have
free will. God will not make us do His will, but He is a helping God.
The God-human relationship
becomes oppositional when a man or a woman refuse to listen and obey the Lord . If the man will not spiritually lead his wife; or the
woman is not a willing help-meet, he/she is in disobedience to God.
Any time there is disobedience to
God’s way, there is trouble in a marriage as well as in all other
relationships. Many couples think that the marriage partner must ‘always be
there’ fulfilling every want and desire that is imagined, but impossible for a
human partner to fulfill. Marriage is a divine institution where God designed
for the husband to be an unselfish, spiritual leader to his family. His wife is
to be a suitable help-meet to his leading. This is the only way that marriage
can be fulfilling, all other arrangements are in grave
danger of failing.