

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781418424404

About the Book

Phartom of the Opera was written in Poetic, short story form.  It was written in a humorous way to entertain and bring laughter about mother nature’s way of the human body to expel unwanted, bloating, gasses.  It is loaded with humorous laughter that this chaotic world needs today.  Its an imaginary series of rocket blasts from pharto-gas, that explodes to many planets.  Imagine the Moon, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.  You will find yourself dreaming and floating about riding the Rover’s on Mars.  If one likes reading humor, you will enjoy these blasto trips.

About the Author

Frank A. Pellegrino was born June 10, 1922 in Niagara Falls, New York. His parents were born in Italy and came to the United States in the early 1900’s.

He attended the St. Joseph Elementary School in Niagara Falls.  In the 5th Grade, is where he learned to write poetry, a teaching that stayed with him all his life. After he left High School, he enlisted with the United States Regular Army, at age eighteen.  Serving in W.W. II, he was in Iceland, France and England overseas.  After 4 and half years of active duty, he returned to Niagara Falls.

June 1, 1958, he married, Theresa Angellotti,  from Oneonta, New York (now deceased) and they were married 33 years.  He had been employed with the New York State Parks Commission for 25 years. To-date he has been retired for 20 years. After her death, he decided to make use of all his skills and hobbies.  This way he could fill the void in his life.

His hobbies are gardening, writing, classical music, sports and cooking.  He is a member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church, the DAV, AARP, and CSEA.

Frank has received many awards from the International Library of Poetry and one Beautification Award for his flower gardens in Niagara Falls. He has numerous poems published in Books of Anthologies with the International Library of Poetry to-date.

April 27, 2001, Frank married his friend from Bloomington, Indiana, Alice Ann Davidson-Gilmore and they live a quiet, retired life in Niagara Falls, New York.

Frank’s goal as a writer is not only to fill the empty void that was in his life, but, life itself inspires him.  God’s power and creations and all life surroundings, give him strength and hope for all his tomorrows.