Returning Son

From Bagdad, Kentucky to Baghdad, Iraq (and back)

by Dennis W. Shepherd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/09/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781418424589
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781418424602

About the Book

The march to Baghdad, Iraq in 2003 was a military operation like no other. High tech weapons and old fashioned Marine infantry combined to lead coalition forces to victory in twenty-one days. Returning Son is the story of Private Sean Cassedy, a cyberspace generation warrior, coming from a tiny Kentucky town with the unlikely name of Bagdad. Son is war from the eyes of a grunt as well as the emotional war for loved ones back home. Sean left for Marine boot camp one week to the day after the tragedy of September 11th. He survived boot camp’s ultimate test--the Crucible--only to be tested in the crucible of his own court-martial. During Operation Iraqi Freedom both of Sean’s legs were crushed in a fog of war accident within a hundred miles of Baghdad. As one of Kentucky’s first injured veterans, Sean’s homecoming was as inspirational as his father’s homecoming from Vietnam was depressing.

About the Author

Dennis W. Shepherd is a lawyer and a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel. As an enlisted Russian linguist he flew aboard reconnaissance missions that targeted the former Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, and North Vietnam. This included eighteen combat support missions over Vietnam and Thailand during the Vietnam War. As an Air Force JAG he served as a prosecutor and defense counsel before becoming an international law specialist and Law of War expert. He and his wife, Sudar, have been together since 1974. They have one son, Shane, and two grandsons, Jared and Kyle. The Shepherds make their home in Lexington, Kentucky.


 New 2005 Forward To Honor A Spiritual Returning Son