Boyhood Adventures of General JEB Stuart

Civil War Hero

by Dean W. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/03/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781420814316

About the Book

Boyhood Adventures of  General JEB Stuart, A Civil War Hero describes some of the unwritten tales told by the descendants of neighbors and friends of the Stuart Family.  JEB Stuart’s family farm, Laurel Hill, is in Patrick County, Virginia, at the foot of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.  At this beautiful location a young boy can play in the woods and valleys or fish and swim in the mountain streams.

This writing also gives a true picture as to how families lived and worked in the southern mountains before the Civil War.  One story describes a family Christmas during the 1830’s.  All the stories contain many adventures that a future General discovered while growing into manhood.  The parents of James Ewell Brown taught him morals and values that shaped and followed him his entire life and created a foundation for a man that became an American hero for both the North and the South.

About the Author

Dean Brown grew up a few miles from the original birthplace of James Ewell Brown Stuart and played in the same woods and streams that James did.  Brown is a member of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans served on the Board of Directors of the JEB Stuart Trust and was President for over four years.  He was instrumental in getting Laurel Hill, Stuart’s birthplace, placed on the National Register of Historical places and listed as one of Virginia’s Historical Landmarks.  Brown has spent many years involved in historical projects in and around Mount Airy, North Carolina.   He  is a watercolor artist and has used some of his interpretations as illustrations in Boyhood Adventures of Gen. JEB Stuart, A Civil War Hero.   He is also known as a writer of humorous poems and historical articles in magazines and newspapers.

Brown is a retired teacher of 41 years; most of his time spent as a teacher in prisons and alternative schools through out the South.  He is a graduate of Appalachian State University of North Carolina.