Thou shall not kill
What Providence Has In Store For Those who Do
Book Details
About the Book
This book is written to bring attention to the fact that evil begets evil and good begets good. That is, if we sow evil we will reap evil, and if we sow that witch is good then we will experience good. The Bible says we will be sure to reap whatever we sow, whether in this life or the next one.
Many people believe they can do wickedness and get away with it. They claim that whenever the body dies life is all over, so they go ahead and rain terror on their fellowmen. But nothing is further from the truth.
“Thou Shall Not kill” sounds a warning to everyone who is hurting others: It’s in your best interest to do good to others rather than evil.
Physical, emotional, and spiritual facets of doing harm to others are addressed in the text. But, since taking someone else’s life is a cruel and brutal act, I have emphasized God’s commandment, “Thou Shall Not Kill.” Those who knowingly take another person’s life, or are planning to do so, not only are bringing a divine curse upon themselves but also upon their children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.
About the Author
The author is married and lives in
And so,
The author has been given insight into the mystery of life! Because of the phenomenon he believes he has a duty to his fellowmen to inform them as to the consequence of breaking divine laws. In other words, the author is a natural peacemaker seeking to bring peace between all men whether they are of goodwill or bad!
This task can be accomplished in many ways; however, since the author is not affluent he can only reach his fellowmen through self-publication of books such as this one and his first one, How to Have a Better Relationship With Your Mate/Spouse which is available at most bookstores.
It should be understood that the return/coming of the Messiah is imminent. Because of this, Lucifer—the fallen angel—and his legion of evil demons have stepped up their activities. This has resulted in human failure on a grand scale. This evil activity is exhibited by damaged relationships between married people, controversy between neighbors, a rise in drug abuse and rape, along with a sharp increase in murder.
Yes, my friend, the hearts of men are failing because of fear of what is going on around us! The truth is, there is no need to be afraid of death. The only one we all should be afraid of is He who can destroy the mind, the body and the spirit—the Supreme Creator and Sustainer of the Universe!