Beyond Redemption

by George Kalabry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/07/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781420862669

About the Book

Gina Santucci develops a larcenous lifestyle at a very young age. Before starting high school, she realizes that men are pushovers. Through guile and charm she knows how to manipulate and exploit their weaknesses. Her only guide is a practical amorality: Right is when you get away with it, and wrong is when you get caught. Her luck turns sour when she is arrested and remanded to a reform school for girls.  Shortly after, she and her “sweetheart” escape. Gina renews the acquaintance of an ex-teacher, and her life takes a different twist.

Gina’s mother works in a nightclub as a cocktail waitress. She entertains boyfriends in her apartment until the wee hours. Her spirited lovemaking keeps the daughter awake.

Involved with Gina in a more positive way is a detective who desperately tries to rehabilitate the “dreadful delinquent.” His total obsession with her endangers his marriage. Feelings of despondency and self-hatred plague him.

About the Author

George Kalabry decided to become a writer in the Sixth Grade, after he read his first Hardy Boy mystery.  Several counselors through the years advised him to pursue another career because he had little talent for writing.  He became a high-school teacher instead.  After a long and stormy career in the classroom, he retired early from teaching, somewhat disillusioned.  “I couldn’t stand the permissiveness and mediocrity around me.  My conservative values flew in the face of Political Correctness.”  He lamented.

“Jailbait in Jeopardy” is his first novel.  It was an uphill struggle every inch of the way.  Writing a novel is a monastic endeavor that requires faith and self-discipline.”

Nowadays George enjoys watching the History Channel and the Fox News Network on TV.  When he feels bored, he does substitute teaching in a suburban school system, grateful that he does not have to toil these every day.