What is Full Restoration?
Full Restoration is a book about grace! The book shares the concept that restoration is part of God’s complete plan of redemption. The purpose of this writer is to reflect the grace of God in His intent to fully restore any who have fallen into sin, have confessed, repented and are living a life that is pleasing to God. Full restoration goes against the idea of partial restoration where limitations and conditions are placed upon those who have sinned in the past. Since every man, woman and child has sinned in the past (Romans 3:10,23) and not every person is considered "partially" restored who has confessed and repented of sin, then full restoration calls our attention to some particular sins that are singled out. Divorce is one of those sins.
It is this writer’s intention to accomplish the following:
1) to help those who have fallen in their past find God’s full restoration to ministries they are called and gifted to serve.2) to provide a sound, theological base for Christian counselors to restore these believers to ministry in a God-timely fashion 3) to challenge Christian leadership, pastors, to rethink the traditional view on divorced pastors to take a proactive, spirit-led approach to restoring these men to the ministries God prepared them for before the foundation of the world.
This book is not a clarion call for those who have fallen to some sin in their lives to immediately rush back to full-time ministry without any considerations.
There are essential steps back to ministry, including: time for healing; true heart confession and repentance of sin(s) committed; living a lifestyle that is pleasing to God; actively attending and participating in a local, Bible believing church; as well as holding a high view of Scripture with regard to marriage and divorce.
Chad and I have written in different places in Full Restoration that this book does not suggest that any man who has sinned in the past should return to ministry. It does recognize that many can return to ministry because of this thing called grace.
Full Restoration does not highlight the degree of a person’s sin, but rather the degree of God’s restoration for confessed and repentant sin.
It is a book about applied grace.It must not be construed that this is a defensive writing to support the writer’s own personal views. It is written out of conviction that these things are based upon truth that we must continue to defend.
I have taken great care to guard my spirit and to seek the Lord’s help to write with humility, appealing to my Christian brothers and sister’s understanding and review. Though some of this writing is bold and abrupt, it is only out of passion to make a point that I am. Several writers join me who have never been divorced and have strong marriages. These men also write out of conviction that the practice of not allowing men to return to ministry, post-fall, post-repentance must be rethought. It is my privilege and joy to have these very educated, Christian men take part in this writing who desire to see God’s full restoration to return to the church today. It is with this spirit that Full Restoration is written.
Also- order The Road Back To Grace : A Guide To Healing From Your Past. The Road Back To Grace is a message for any believer who has made serious mistakes in their past, but want God's complete restoration in their life. Whether it is drugs, drinking, divorce, or a damaged testimony, that is keeping you from enjoying the blessings of God in your life, the road back to grace is available to you! Contact AuthorHouse at www.authorhouse.com for information about this exciting new book.