Musings of The Mad Poet from Poetria

by J. J. Lauria



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/03/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781420889086

About the Book

In this third book of the “Poetria” trilogy, the author gives way to his alter-ego, “Alter”, from the p. u. (parallel universe) who delivers a course in p. u. astrology, i.e. “The Signs of The Fortune Cookiac”, a useful guide to the constellations in the p.u., followed by an even more helpful essay, “How To Tell If A Poet Is Mad”, then thirty-one synopses to thirty-one poems of the Madman, each sandwiching in a view from the Port window of the author’s homemade spacecraft, the breathtaking S.S. Galactophonema.


The thirty-one poems range (or better said, “de-range”) from the circus sideshow subculture, to the Blind Nudists Conventions, Papal audience precautions at the Vatican, and a creative Will & Last Testament that could postpone dying.


The “Musings” consist of all the above, and are preceded by the author’s remorseful discovery on the book’s dedication page, that he is a Twentyfirst Century “decadent” as defined therein, and wherein he implicates his p.u. ego.


Obviously, this is the lot and fate of close association with people, i.e. Poetrians.


Does such a condition end with a trilogy? It’s doubtful, but really, only time will tell, yes?

About the Author

In Book 1 of the Trilogy, “Deep Space Probe To Poetria”, he wrote: “Look in the book—it will speak for me. If that’s not enough, wait for Books 2 and 3; then if you have any questions, we’ll talk.”


So, we waited for Book 2, “Payload From Poetria” and what did we hear? That he couldn’t write the book fifty years ago when he wanted to after an “E.T.” experience. Why? Because he had met a Rabbi (Rabbi Ben Ezra—introduced to him by fellow author and poet, Robert Browning, Elizabeth’s husband), who basically told him to cool it awhile. Thus, here he is a half-century later, the Rabbi nowhere in sight, and what do we find?


The Book, last of the “Poetria” trilogy, isn’t even written by him, but by “Alter”, his p.u. ego!


Where’s the Rabbi? Where’s Lauria? The only possible clue might be his having intimated to “Alter” that his horoscope sign is not in the Zodiac, but rather another astrological system, the Eggrolliac.


Coincidentally, a fortune cookie message used as a bookmark in his copy of Book 2 said:


“Tomorrow you will find Lauria and the Rebbie at a Kosher Chinese Restaurant in Brooklyn, trying to convince the owner to put the messages in EggRolls and not in the cookies.”


After reading this three-book odyssey through the man’s mind-emphasis on “od”--what more would one want to know about him?