How High Can A Guy Stoop?

by Mike Miller

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/02/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781425903107

About the Book

Few non-fiction books give an accurate behind-the-scenes portrayal of the exciting world of politics and the news media.  How High Can a Guy Stoop? is a cleverly written, enormously amusing examination of what really goes on when the camera lights are turned off.


            Mike Miller, in a devastatingly candid look back over a twenty-five year career in radio, television, and politics, tells it as it is!  Miller deals with such issues as sex, alcohol, and drug use in newsrooms and on Capitol Hill.  He also explains how he overcame crippling polio and a lifetime of severe depression and alcohol abuse.


            His story begins at a radio station in Tulsa and continues through his first experience in television, and one assignment that even took him to Vietnam.  Competitors landed him a job in Washington, D.C. and soon Miller found himself working with young journalists on their way up, including Bob Schieffer, Connie Chung, and Maury Povich.      


When he got into politics, and nearly went to work for Bill Clinton, things really got crazy!  How High is required reading for everyone interested in politics and the news media.


            Although it may shock you, it will make you laugh!


About the Author


            Mike Miller spent twenty years covering news for television stations in Washington, Tulsa, Dallas, and Little Rock.  His reporting took him to the White House, Congress, and even Vietnam.  Miller also worked with a number of today’s TV celebrities. 

            He is a former congressional press secretary and GOP party spokesman.