Of A Life Well Loved

by Naomi W. Zaslow



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/12/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 636
ISBN : 9781425940096
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 636
ISBN : 9781425940072

About the Book

Naomi W. Zaslow arrived in Philadelphia from Canada as a toddler in the depths of the Depression. Her acting talents led to professional performances on stage and radio, and school life led to her love of writing.  Hitler and World War II brought the sad loss of her brother.


A loving marriage, the innocence and simplicity of life in the ‘40’s; 3 sons and a daughter and attaining the American Dream in the ‘50’s; the changes in the ‘60’s; work as a newspaper reporter and columnist and public relations; the honors and success of her cable soap opera “General High School”, the loss of loving parents are movingly conveyed.  The vicissitudes of business life, health problems, and family issues resolved and unresolved are candidly explored.


The flourishing family that grows and succeeds are added wonders reflecting a joy and an appreciation of life that are contagious.

About the Author

Naomi W. Zaslow, child actress, President of South Philadelphia High School Student Council, Interscholastic League, scholarship student voted Best Actress at Temple University.  Now president of Freelance 911 and Public Relations Director for the Homeowners Association of Philadelphia.  Won many awards as Information Director at Marple Newtown School District.  Wrote, produced and directed award winning  cable soap opera, “General High School”, for 10 years.


President of the Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association, Vice President of the National School Public Relations Association, President of  Delaware County Press Club. President of synagogue Sisterhood and school PTO. Editor of various organization newsletters.


Acting career on stage, radio and TV  in Philadelphia and New York. Writer for NBC affiliate,

author of children’s plays and “Forgotten First Ladies”, successfully performed recently in Florida.  Currently working on “ABC’s of Values”.