Fundamentals of Power Generation

Questions & Answers

by M. W. Hubbell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/10/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781425962883

About the Book

Ever wonder where electricity comes from? How a flourescent bulb works? Or possibly, just curious how a power plant operates in order to provide millions of people power continuously. This book will do just that, designed to make it easier to understand how things work, at least for power generation.

About the Author

Electicity has always fascinated me and had become a dream of mine to work for the local utility company. After 13 years with the company as a power plant operator I decide to work on my AAS in Power Plant Technology from Bismarck State College. I graduated in 2001 and was offered a job at Bismarck State College in 2002 where I teach Electrical Power Technology. I am an energy advocate and try to promote those issues that makes electricity better and safer for our environment.