Nuclear War I and Other Major Nuclear Disasters of the 20th Century
Book Details
About the Book
During the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of people died from the use of nuclear weapons in Nuclear War I and other nuclear disasters. Dr. Newtan’s book describes the disastrous consequences of the following nuclear developments all of which occurred in the 20th century:
The Trinity Test of a nuclear device (explosion)
The destruction of
The destruction of
The hydrogen bomb, neutron bomb, and cobalt bomb
Radioactive fallout
Radiological weapons
The BRAVO Test (hydrogen bomb)
Fermi I breeder reactor disaster
Nuclear submarine disasters (
Thresher nuclear submarine disaster
Scorpion nuclear submarine disaster
Nuclear satellite disasters
Lost nuclear weapons
Lost nuclear fissile materials for weapons
Nuclear waste disasters
Acts of war on nuclear facilities
Nuclear terrorism
Proliferation of nuclear weapons
Nuclear reactors in space
Nuclear weapons in space
Nuclear waste – can it be safely stored for millennia?
About the Author
Samuel Upton Newtan’s educational background is engineering (Ph.D.) followed by over 40 years of engineering practice. He has published widely in the engineering field as well as on issues related to nuclear policy. The latter includes proliferation of nuclear weapons, proliferation of ballistic missiles, and measures to protect nuclear facilities from acts of war.