Practices of Discipleship

An alphabetical list of do's and don'ts

by c jh griffin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/02/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781425989835

About the Book

Practices of Discipleship, is meant to be a companion to Stepping Stones: Understanding God's Kingdom Through Scriptural Patterns, Parallels and Parables.  Once the student has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, "Practices", will provide the student with a list of what they are to do next as they begin their "walk in the Spirit."

The list includes topics and scripture references as well. It is not exhaustive, but it does encourage bible literacy, among the young in Spirit and the young in age.

About the Author

Carolyn JH Fairman-Griffin has been the Bible Study Leader for the Chatham-Bethlehem Presbyterian Church in Chicago, Womens' Ministry for more than fifteen years now.  She has been led to create bible studies, covering a variety of topics.  This listing is an outgrowth of her study habits and in her studies.

This printing is number three, the first one professionally done.