Lessons About Life, Love, Hate and Human Experience
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About the Book
This book contains great lessons about life, love, hate and human experience.
This life can be very challenging and we need to be well informed in handling it. Life is full of surprises and mixed feelings. Sometimes we are loved and at other times hated by those we call our own. Events in this life can be hurting and we are often depressed, confused and hated.
We must face life when we can for time waits for nobody. Time is the ultimate umpire in the marathon race of life. It guides the globe to histories, tragic or comic. As it ticks, so is the world regulated irresistibly. This is one mystery of our existence. Time is the ultimate propeller, which regulates life. It is the slow eternal guide to history. It shapes the destinies of all mortals. That makes it indispensable and superior to all beings. Nobody questions its authority because it posses the power of life and death.
There is joy in learning about life and making it on your own. Contentment comes from being pleased with yourself and your choices. There is a road to success for all of us, a road that can have as many ups and downs as a roller coaster. It is only those willing to make the sacrifices of the journey enter the place where their dreams come true. You have to learn from your past but don't allow your past to incarcerate you. Build upon your past; don't be buried by your past. You have to turn your back to the past and press forward your high calling. Where you are right now is not where you're going to end up. For your life is dynamic, not static.