by Barbara Ann Mary Mack



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/03/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781425999544

About the Book

Father, They Know Not What They Do” is written in two parts. Book one titled, “Father They Know Not What They Do” consists of a spiritual dialogue between The Holy Trinity, repentant spirits, and Barbara (the author). Book two, titled “The Injured Ones” is somewhat of the author’s biography; and connection with The Lord and His children. This is a very moving book. It contains a very intimate relationship between God and His Creation. “The Injured Ones” are, The Lord, the Author, and the Beloved one.


They have captured the soul of the injured one.

They have taken me away from my home, my Spouse.

They have accused me falsely, as they accused Your

Only Begotten Son, JESUS.

They have stripped me from my dignity, my God.

I have shared the act of humiliation with my Lord and Savior.

I have shared the agony of His chains.

I have shared the mockery that was placed

on Your Obedient ones (JESUS and Barbara).

O Father of the injured and suffering Ones, I have walked the

lonely Road with my Lord, JESUS.

I have been arrested and falsely accused by Our beloved one.

My soul is weak, my Lord.

My body is in pain, my God.

I have suffered from the wounds that were inflicted on my soul, by Our beloved one.

Rescue my bruised soul, my Lord.

Relieve me from the pain of loving my accuser, my Spouse.

Relieve from the agony that accompanies my expression of love.

I am in pain, my Lord.

My spirit cries out for relief.

Will You send Your Messenger of relief, my God?

About the Author

Barbara is the author of thirteen published God inspired books.She began documenting the Messages that she receives from The Lord in March 1997. She was prompted by The Lord to place the Messages in books in May 2002, so that the world may have access to His Divine Messages of Love and Hope. Barbara spends most of her time spreading the Good News of God’s Presence among His children Today. She resides in Philadelphia, PA, with her daughter La Toya and granddaughter, Amya Penny. Barbara travels wherever The Lord sends her to deliver Messages to specific individuals. In November of 2003, Barbara went to Rome, Italy, to deliver a Message from The Lord to Pope John Paul II.