A Texas Ranching Family

The Story of E.K. Fawcett

by John K. Finegan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/07/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781434311504

About the Book

           This is a history of early day ranching in Southwestern Texas. E.K. Fawcett, a seventeen year old orphan lad left his siblings when hired to assist in herding a flock of 3,000 sheep across early day Texas. They arrived at their destination on the Devil’s River at 12:00 midnight July 24th 1883.

            He met and courted the love of his life by horseback from twenty some odd miles away. It is a story of love and devotion not only for each other and family, but the land as well.

            It tells of his accomplishments throughout his life as father, ranchman, Justice of the Peace, County Commissioner, Hide and Brand Inspector, as well as president of various county and state civic organizations.

            She was the rock steady force that kept it all in perspective at home, by raising six children, cooking, washing, doctoring, milking her cows, feeding her chickens, and just plain being Momma!

            This grandson felt this book should be written so others could know of their multitudes of accomplishments. It tells of the trials and tribulations, as well as its rewards, for the hard work they put forth.

About the Author

John Keyes Finegan is the oldest grandchild of Frankie and E. K. Fawcett. Born on July 19, 1928, he had the opportunity to spend as much time as he could with his grandparents. Born of a ranching family, he readily accepted the responsibility of the operation of his mother’s portion of the Fawcett ranch. Following in his grandfather’s shadow, he applied his natural instincts for conservation of the rangelands he was operating. Attending and completing school at Del Rio, Texas. John attended Texas A&M University in 1945 and 1946, although unable to complete either year due to illness. He later transferred to Sul Ross University at Alpine in 1947. There he studied agriculture for two years, competing on the Livestock Judging team and Sul Ross Rodeo Team. He was one of the founders of the Intercollegiate Rodeo Association.


            Before college John was a charter member of Val Verde 4-H Club. Showing lambs and breeding sheep of his own raising during his school years. After coming back to the ranch in 1949, he went right into running the family ranch. One of his first endeavors was to build a home for his soon to be bride, he and some more “wet backs” started construction on Oct. 1, 1949 with the wedding set for June 7, 1950. It was completed in time. Among his accomplishments were the following: Certificate of Recognition from Val Verde 4-H Club for his work as a group leader. In 1965 he was awarded the outstanding Young Farmer Award by the Del Rio Junior Chamber of Commerce. In 1966 he was awarded the Outstanding Young Rancher Award from the Del Rio Lions Club. In 1967 he was awarded the Ft. Worth Press Ward as the Outstanding Conservation Farmer for Region 2 of the State of Texas. In 1970 he was one of the coaches for the state 4-H Rifle Team that placed first in the state competition, with his son Jim being high individual. In 1988 he was awarded an Excellence in Grazing award from the Texas Section of Society of Range Management.


            He served on the Vestry of St. James Episcopal Church for two terms.


            He served as Scoutmaster for the scout troop of the St. James Episcopal Church in Del Rio for most of the 1960’s. One of the most gratifying experiences of his varied career, seeing his young boys grow into fine young men will make a man proud to have been a part of the process. He accompanied a group of his boys into the Canadian Wilderness by canoe, an experience of a lifetime.


            During the period from 1970-2000 he and Betty started and ran one of the largest and most successful hunting enterprises in the state of Texas, entertaining guests from every state in the union and 29 foreign countries. This enterprise was very gratifying in that we made many friends from all over the world, many still correspond with us.


            This book is a challenge but is a work of love for two wonderful caring people who I was privileged to be with in my early childhood.