Squeaky: The Mouse in the House

by Robert Garrett Scott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/10/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781434342140

About the Book

     In this story, the author creates a narrative hook at the beginning of the first chapter.  Squeaky, the hero, is confronted with the task of feeding his starving family, but he meets the antagonist, Catnip, a proud, white fur ball who has kept the house free of mice for quite a long time.  His emaciated, starving family must be fed, and it is up to the courage and tenacity of Squeaky to see to it that they are fed.  Thus, the story opens with Squeaky facing a terrible foe.  Who will win out?  That's the question that remains to be answered in this delightful narrative.

     This novel was dedicated to the author's four grandchildren: Kenny, 14; Reyanna, 9; Alexis, 5; and Zach, 3. It is the author's feeling that these grandchildren are the perfect target age for this, his second novel.

About the Author


     The author, Robert Garrett Scott, whose real name is Pat Carter, wrote this anthropomorphic novel in 1995, twelve years prior to his first novel, Skeletons on the Plane.  He didn't send this manuscript out for publication because he didn't feel its value was pen-worthy.  After several revisions, he decided to send it in for publication, and it became his second novel.  Although a mystery novelist and poet, he suddenly decided to publish this delightful novel for another young audience.

     Robert Garrett Scott is planning publication of his own personal poetry anthology, as well as a children's poetry anthology.  These are planned future publication.  These manuscripts are set for illustration, as was this novel

     This novel was dedicated to his four grandchildren: Kenny, 14; Reyanna, 9; Alexis, 5; and Zach, 3. It is the author's feeling that these grandchildren are the perfect target age for this, his second novel.